

Syeikh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili r.a.


Sheikh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili r.a. borne in countryside of Ghumara Marocco in the year 593 Hijriyah/ 1196 Masehi by the name of Abu Hasan Ali bin Abdillah bin Abdul Jabbar of Abu Syadzili and continue until to Sayidina Ali bin Abi Tholib of husband of Sayyidah Fatimah binti of Prophet of Muhammad Rosululloh SAW.
Karamah At one time moment of berkelana beliau say at heart, “ Yes Allah, my kapankah can become Your slave [is] grateful?” [Is] later;then heard [by] voice, “ If you have understood and feel that gave to [by] enjoy only just just you” Beliau say again, “ How me can so, though Thou have given to enjoy to all Prophet, Moslem Scholar And King?” [Is] later;then heard [by] a voice again, “ Otherwise there [is] Prophet, you will not get the guide, otherwise there [is] yours Moslem scholar cannot follow how to have religious service, otherwise there [is] yours King will not feel safe. That all [is] enjoying from -Ku which I give just to”. Syadziliyah is name of an countryside in the Dark Continent representing nisbat from name of Syeikh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili r.a.

He have lived in Iskandar of about year 656 H. A desert which at first briny airnya become to bargain the cause of keramat of Sheikh of Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili r.a. Beliau learn the science of thariqah and reality after ripeness in science fiqihnya. Even beliau have never been defeated [by] each;every breaking a lance with moslem scholar of expert fiqih during the period. In learning reality science, beliau learn to celebrated and glorious sponsor quthub that is Syeikh Abdus Greet the Ibnu Masyisy, and finally beliau going on quthbiyahnya and become the Imam Al-Auliya’. ommission Ampuh hitherto which [is] often practiced by Islam people [is] Hizb Nashr and Hizb Bahr, beside Thariqah Syadziliyah which is a lot of its follower. Hizb Bahr represent the Hizb accepted [is] direct the than Rasulullah saw. what [is] read off direct one by one its letter by beliau saw. Syeikh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili r.a. have berriadhah [of] during 80 day [do] not eat, accompaniedly [by] [is] dzikir and read the shalawat which have never desisted. At that moment beliau feel its target for the wushul of ( sampai) to Allah SWT have been reached. Later;Then come a secretory woman from cave with the very face [of] menawan and glow. He/She draw near the beliau and say the, ” Sunguh very out of luck, peckish [of] during 80 just day have feel success, while me have six-month [of] duration have never felt the food little”. At one time moment berkelana, beliau say at heart, “ Yes Allah, my kapankah can become Your slave [is] grateful?”. [Is] later;then heard [by] voice, “ If you have understood and feel that gave to [by] enjoy only just just you”.

He say again, “ How me can so, though Thou have given to enjoy to all Prophet, Moslem Scholar And King?”. [Is] later;then heard [by] a voice again, “ Otherwise there [is] Prophet, you will not get the guide, otherwise there [is] yours Moslem scholar cannot follow how to have religious service, otherwise there [is] yours King will not feel safe. That all [is] enjoying from -Ku which I give just to”. Beliau have khalwat ( menyendiri) in a cave [of] [so that/ to be] can wushul ( sampai) to Allah swt. Last [of] beliau say at heart nya, that tomorrow its liver will be opened. Later;Then a waliyullah visit upon the beliau and say, “ How can one who say tomorrow its liver will be opened can become

At one particular day in a aji of Syeikh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili r.a. explaining about zuhud, and in ceremony [of] there are a dressy faqir a drop of, [is] at that time dressy Syeikh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili completely nicely. Then at heart mentioned people faqir say, “ How Can Syeikh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili r.a. conversing about zuhud [is] beliau [by] xself its clothes nicely. What can be told [by] more zuhud [is] me [of] because my clothes [is] bad”. Later;Then Syeikh Abul Hasan turn around to that people and say, “ Your clothes [is] such a [is] clothes inviting to like the world [of] because with that clothes [is] you feel looked into [by] people as a zuhud. If my clothes [is] invite the people name me plutocrat and people [do] not assume I am as a zuhud, because that zuhud [is] maqam and domicile high”. mentioned Fakir people then stand up and say, “ By God, (it) is true hatiku say “ I [is] one who zuhud”. I now have an out to Allah and bertaubat”.


Among Expression of Pearl of Syeikh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadili: 1. [There] no sin [of] larger ones from this two case : [is] first, like the world and chosen the world defeat the eternity. Second, ridha [of] but stupidity do not want to improve its science.
2. narrow;tight Mind cause: : [is] first, because doing sin and to overcome [it] by bertaubat and beristiqhfar. : [is] Second, because world loss, hence bring back to Allah SWT. conscious that it non your property and only titipan and will be re-pulled by Allah swt. : [is] Third, if hurt [by] the others, if because maltreated by others hence bear with and conscious that any that making Allah SWT.

If Allah SWT, not yet informed what hard or narrow;tight cause, calm to hence follow the way godlike taqdir. (It) is true still under cloud which [is] pass by quickly to walk that cloud good for and sometime later will lose by itself. There [is] one case which whom goods can run will be able to become the leader that is look away from world and hold out the x'self from deed of dhalimnya of world expert. Each;Every karomah or dignity which [do] not at the same time by ridha [is] Allah SWT and [do] not at the same time with pleasure to Allah and like the Allah, hence the people persuaded [by] syetan and become one who destroy. That Karomah [is] not passed to [by] one who look for [it] and listen go the its passion desire and [do] not [is] also passed to [by] one who its body [is] used to look for the karomah. gave [by] the karomah only one who [do] not feel the charitable x'self will its, however he/she [is] always occupied with the popular [by] work [of] Allah and feel to get the award / fadhal from eye Allah, [do] not put the expectation from familiarizing and its charitable.


All Shidiqin [is] :
1. Always meekly and remember [at] Allah SWT by istiqamah / kontinu.
2. Zuhud that is leave the things having the character of earthly.
3. Can run the external case can, like folding earth, walk the above water etcetera. Between] keramat of Sponsor Qutub is :
1. Able to lift a hand in the form of special conservancy and blessing from Allah swt.
2. Able to replace the other Sponsor Qutub.
3. Able to assist the angel shoulder Arsy.

Pass away the nya of Sheikh Abul Hasan Asy Syadzili.

He migrate to Egypt in the year 642 H, pursuant to dream meet with the Rasululloh Muhammad SAW. In its dream [is] Prophet say to it, “ Hi Ali, go the thou to Egypt. There thou will educate fourty people shiddiqin that is downright people.” [In] its name Egypt land;ground progressively make fragrance and famous. Incoming many people and express as its pupil. [Among/Between] nya noted [by] a big name [of] expert tasawuf [of] like Ibnu Sholah, Jamaluddin Usfur, Sulthonul of Moslem scholar of Izzuddin bin Abdus Greet the, Taqiyuddin Bin Daqiqil Ied, Muhyiddin Bin Suraqoh, Ibnu Yasin and famous Figure sufi that is Ibnu Arabi [is] also noted to become the pupil of Imam of Syadzili ra. Beliau pass away on the way haji and buried [in] field of Idzaab Egypt.

Ya Allah, pouring and overflowing ridho for nya and award the us with the secret which Thou keep at, Amen.



If Allah SWT, not yet informed what hard or narrow;tight cause, calm to hence follow the way godlike taqdir....I like this. Thank u ustad

bangilan said...

Syeikh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili r.a. explaining about zuhud, and in ceremony of there are a dressy faqir a drop of, is at that time dressy Syeikh Abul Hasan Asy-Syadzili completely nicely.
MasyaAlloh the nice artcle thak u